Good hygiene is key in preventing the spread of infection. Frequent, thorough hand washing is important for your child, the daycare's staff, and the other children. This is especially important after changing diapers, blowing noses, and cleaning up any bodily fluids, and before preparing food.
The reality however is that children in daycare are more likely to get sick because they're around more children more often. And most parents will agree that sick kids should stay home until they're no longer contagious. Sound simple? It's not. Many illnesses are most contagious in the day or two before a child shows obvious symptoms. So by the time you know your child is sick, he may have already spread the disease to his companions. For the health & safety of our staff and other children in our daycare, please keep your child home if he or she has any of the following:
• Fever, irritability, lethargy, persistent crying, or difficulty breathing. All can be signs of illness.
• An upper respiratory illness such as bronchiolitis or influenza. The common cold, on the other hand, may not be reason enough to stay home.
• Diarrhea. Diarrhea that can't be contained by diapers or by using the toilet regularly is a signal to keep your child home.
• Bloody stools or stools containing mucus. These could be the sign of a viral or bacterial infection. (Give your doctor a call!)
• Vomiting.
• A rash. This is reason to keep your child home unless you know for sure that it's not linked to an infection (for example, if you know it's a reaction to eating strawberries). If your child's rash is not linked to a fever or other symptoms, he may be able to go if your daycare's rules allow it.
• Chicken pox. Your child is no longer contagious once all the sores have dried and crusted over.
• Impetigo. Kids with this skin disease are no longer contagious after 24 hours of antibiotics.
• Scabies. Once treated with a topical insecticide, it's no longer contagious.
• Bacterial conjunctivitis (pinkeye) and yellow discharge from the eye. It's no longer contagious after 24 hours of antibiotics, but most daycare places won't let children in with an eye discharge. Kids with red, watery eyes from allergies are not contagious, however, and should be allowed in daycare, as the condition can continue for quite a while.
• Strep throat. It's usually not contagious after 24 hours of antibiotics.
• Mouth sores that cause excessive drooling. Wait until your doctor says they're not infectious before returning your child to daycare.
• Head lice. Your child can return to daycare after he's been thoroughly treated.